Essential Website Maintenance
We’re carrying out essential maintenance on our website during February, which may cause some temporary disruptions. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. You can still contact us through the following channels:
5th February 2025
We are looking for customers interested in joining our Customer Assurance Panel.
The CAP is a group of volunteers that works to make sure the views of customers are reflected in Plus Dane's work and valued at the highest level.
The panel looks at issues to help improve the customer experience, feeding recommendations directly to Plus Dane’s Board, so it can make informed decisions based on the needs and priorities of customers.
Members of CAP are required to attend a minimum of four virtual meetings a year. No previous experience is necessary, as training and support will be available, and reasonable out of pocket expenses will be covered.
You can find out more about the current panel here, and watch the video below for more information.
Please contact Irene Crone on 07929 208 270/ to discuss the role or express an interest.
Alison Horner, Director of Governance at Plus Dane, said: “Making sure our customer voice is heard is something that is incredibly important to us at Plus Dane, and we are looking for people who can help us to shape services, challenge us and tell us what we can do better.”
The closing date to express apply is February 28 - you can do this on our current vacancies page.
Holding Plus Dane to account by looking at how satisfied customers are and provide suggestions for improvement.
Asking for more in-depth service reviews to be carried out so we can understand what is working well and what needs improving.
Checking that we are meeting our agreed standards
Looking at how we are learning lessons from complaints so we don’t keep making mistakes.
Working with us to make sure the views of customers are considered when we are buying new services and appointing contractors.
CAP is made up of 10 members who are customers of Plus Dane. This includes tenants, leaseholders and shared owners.
The panel is Chaired by a panel member and the Chair is invited to attend Purpose Committee and Board meetings.
Only one person from a household can join the CAP.
Plus Dane colleagues attend the meetings to service them and present reports but they will not be members.
Providing there is no actual or impending court action and you have made an arrangement with Plus Dane that the relevant team are happy with, then you can be considered for the panel. We will discuss your individual circumstances if this is applies to you.
CAP meets every three months and these are digital meetings. We get together at least once a year in person.
As most of the meetings and things like training is done digitally, you must have some digital skills. We can support you and train you to set you up and provide on-going support.
We will provide you with a laptop which will be set up for you to use in your role.
You can discuss your expenses with the Engagement Team as we understand that everyone’s circumstances are different. We do not want anyone to be financially worse off because they are a member of the CAP.
We have planned for two informal ‘Find out More sessions’ on Zoom to introduce you to Plus Dane and have a chat about what is involved. These will take place on Tuesday, February 11 and Tuesday, February 18 at 6pm. If you are unable to attend, please contact Irene Crone and we can arrange an individual chat.