Essential Website Maintenance
We’re carrying out essential maintenance on our website during February, which may cause some temporary disruptions. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. You can still contact us through the following channels:
To us, agile working means that you and your team are able to perform your role in the environment or location at the time that achieves the best outcome for our customers. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to agile working and it will look different from team to team, and role to role. Your line manager will talk to you about agile working and how it will work for you.
Our agile approach to working means no one has their own desk. You are free to sit wherever you like, in whatever work-space that suits you. Feel free to move around to find out which part of the office you like best!
We encourage you to take regular breaks during your working day, ideally away from your workstation/desk to make sure you’re refreshed and able to perform at your best. One of the small things colleagues really value about working here is that free tea, coffee and water is available in all of our offices. It’s a small thing but if you could see the amount of tea and coffee we need to keep us on top of our game!!
Our values are really important to us and we ask that colleagues live them every day. Our Code of Conduct outlines how we like to work and articulates how we feel colleagues should behave; you will have received a copy of this with your contract.
For our colleagues working out in our communities and customers homes, we provide you with all the equipment and and information you need to keep in touch with your teams and find out what's going on across Plus Dane.