Essential Website Maintenance
We’re carrying out essential maintenance on our website during February, which may cause some temporary disruptions. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. You can still contact us through the following channels:
Here you can find details of our privacy notice for employees and applicants.
This privacy notice applies to applicants and Plus Dane employees.
This Privacy Notice is a public document available to anyone and applies to employees of, and job applicants to, Plus Dane Housing, as well as Board members Independent members, customer panels and voluntary positions to explain how the organisation collects, processes, stores and deletes Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in order to conduct normal business activities as a Registered Social Landlord (RSL) regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH).
Plus Dane Housing is a Data Controller which means that as an organisation we determine the purpose for which, and the way in which information we collect about you is processed, stored and deleted.
The company Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be contacted at
Our purpose for processing your PII is to assess your suitability for a position that you have applied for.
The lawful basis we rely on for processing your personal data are article 6(1)(b) of the UK GDPR, which relates to processing necessary to perform a contract or to take steps at your request, before entering a contract. And article 6(1)(f) for the purpose of our legitimate interests. The legal basis we rely on to process any personal information that you provide as part of your application relates to:
We would categorise this information as ‘special’ data and it would include personal information such as age, criminal convictions and financial data.
We will use all the information you provide during the recruitment process to progress your application with a view to offering you an employment contract with us, or to fulfil legal or regulatory requirements if necessary.
We will not share any information you provide with any third parties for marketing purposes.
We will use the contact details you provide to make contact and to progress your application. We will use other information you provide to assess your suitability for the role.
We do not collect more information than we need to fulfill our stated purposes and will not keep it longer than necessary.
The information we ask for is used to assess your suitability for employment. You don’t have to provide what we ask for but it may affect your application if you don’t.
Your personal contact details may be provided to the recruiting manager for the purpose of contacting you to discuss the outcome of the interview or application process.
Your application details will be stored in secure electronic files where only our People Team and recruiting Managers have access. Recruiting Managers will not be able to see your equality and diversity information if you have provided it. Your data will not be accessible by any other employees of Plus Dane Housing. Six months after the date of shortlisting (for non-shortlisted candidates) and six months after the date of interview (for shortlisted but unsuccessful candidates) your information will be permanently destroyed and no record of your application will be held by Plus Dane Housing. For those successful candidates who are offered employment with Plus Dane Housing, your personal information provided at the ‘Application Stage’ and ‘Conditional Offer of Employment Stage’ and ‘Confirmed Offer of Employment Stage’ (see below) is transferred into our People Management systems (iTrent and Sharepoint)”
Our application processes may ask for a CV and supporting statement via our online application process or completion of an application form. We ask you for your personal details including your name and contact details. We will also ask you about your previous experience, education and details of persons who can provide a reference should your application reach the ‘Conditional Offer of Employment Stage’. We will also look for answers to questions relevant for legal purposes and relevant to the position you have applied for.
As Plus Dane is an equal opportunities employer, we also ask for candidates to provide information around equality and diversity. This will be requested via an online form which will only be seen by officers of our People Team. Provision of this information is not mandatory. If you choose not to provide this it won’t affect your application. We won’t make the information available to any staff outside of our People Team, including hiring managers; it is for monitoring purposes only. Any information you provide will be used to produce and monitor equality and diversity statistics.
If we make a conditional offer of employment to you, we will ask you for information so that we can carry out pre-employment checks and collect information required for payroll purposes. You must successfully complete pre-employment checks to progress to a confirmed offer of employment. We must confirm the identity of our potential member of staff and confirm their right to work in the United Kingdom, and seek assurance as to their trustworthiness, integrity and reliability.
You must provide the following in all circumstances of a conditional offer:
Where a candidate cannot satisfy the pre-employment checks at the conditional offer of employment stage the offer of employment will be withdrawn. Any documentation provided by the candidate at this stage will be destroyed save for any information that may be required to be held by Plus Dane Housing by law. Any such information will only be held for as long as Regulations allow.
We will issue you with a Contract of Employment setting out the Terms and Conditions governing your Employment
Employee PII is held in a way that accords with our internal Data Register. This document is updated on a continuous basis in compliance with the Lawful Principles relevant to the holding of PII. If you see anything that you think is unclear please notify
We do not share any information with third parties about job applicants who do not progress to employed status.
We will use your registered home address to send Plus Dane related correspondence, mail and packages. Your data may be shared with suppliers and / or delivery companies to facilitate this.
We provide your name, date of birth, and address to TP Health for the purpose of enabling it to contact you to provide you with medical cover under an employer arrangement.
TP Health provide our Occupational Health Service to colleagues at Plus Dane. The personal information provided to them includes; full name, title, date of birth, address, contact telephone numbers, ethnicity, work email address and personal email address.
TP Health will process information about your health in the form of an Occupational Health record which will include details of any medical examinations and health assessments that you have had from the time you joined your employer as well as other relevant medical history. The Occupational Health record will also include advice and reports that have been provided, with your consent, to your employer.
There may be occasions where a referral may be made to Health Assured, our Employee Assistance Programme to provide structured counselling sessions. This will be with your full consent and contact details, along with reason for referral will be made.
For any employee who chooses to join the Plus Dane pension scheme we will share information relating to your name, date of birth and address with The Pensions Trust or the Local Government Pension Scheme through one of either Cheshire Pension Fund or Merseyside Pension Fund dependent upon which Pension Scheme you are a member of.
For any employee who is not a member of the Plus Dane Pension Scheme we will share information relating to your name, date of birth, gender, income, Work Location and Post Title and Full or Part Time status with MercerMarshBenefits , our Life Assurance brokers and with UNUM , our Life Assurance provider, for the purpose of providing Life Assurance cover.
We may share your data with official health agencies for NHS Track and Trace purposes where we are legally required to do so under GDPR Article 6(1)(c). Further government guidance is available here.
As an individual, regardless of whether you are a job applicant or an employee you have certain rights regarding your own personal data. For more information on your rights click here.