Essential Website Maintenance
We’re carrying out essential maintenance on our website during February, which may cause some temporary disruptions. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. You can still contact us through the following channels:
Plus Dane Housing’s Procurement Department is responsible for setting all policies and procedures for procurement activity and contract management across the organisation to ensure best practice for all goods, services and works contracted by the organisation.
The department lead on all medium to high value/risk tenders and provide support and guidance as applicable for lower value/risk tenders, supporting stakeholders to procure and contract the goods, services and works required by the organisation taking into consideration our customers interests, value for money and the local effect on sustainability, the environment and employment opportunities.
The department ensures all activity is conduct in a fair, competitive, and honest manner that complies with all relevant legislation. Contract management sits within the business by our colleagues who interact with the suppliers on a day-to-day basis, however this is supported by Contract Management policies and procedures developed and maintained by the Procurement Department.
Plus Dane Housing’s main areas of external expenditure include repairs and maintenance, assets, IT and development. Opportunities in these areas for external contractors is of most significance.
All external tender opportunities advertised to the market are published through Plus Dane Housing’s e-sourcing platform, Delta E-Sourcing. Suppliers have the opportunity to register to access any opportunities published by Plus Dane Housing and can also view opportunities from other organisations in the public sector who use the portal. Please note, not all opportunities are advertised as this is in line with legislation and expenditure levels and other routes such as frameworks, closed tenders, dynamic purchasing systems etc. are utilised in some instances dependant on what route to market is determined most beneficial for the organisation and good, services and works to be provided.
Plus Dane Housing utilise Alcumus SafeContractor, a health and safety accreditation scheme with over 30,000 contractors and 400 clients. Plus Dane Housing partnered with SafeContractor to engage with the supply chain and undertake a health and safety assessments on contractors to ensure maintaining legal compliance. Within Plus Dane Housing’s tenders it is a requirement for tenderers to confirm if they are already SafeContractor approved or if they would be willing to gain the accreditation if awarded a contract for the organisation.
Plus Dane Housing operate under their own terms and conditions were possible, which are stipulated within tender documentation when published. Where a contract has not been agreed and signed by an employee of Plus Dane Housing, the PO Terms & Conditions available under the Downloadable Documents are applicable in all instances with no exceptions. The PO Terms & Conditions for Goods/Services being applicable for contracts relating to goods and/or services and the PO Terms & Conditions for Works being applicable for contracts relating to works.
The Procurement Team work closely with the Engagement and Partnerships Team to drive social value through all contracts. We are committed to deriving social value from all our procurement activities and this is included as a scored element within all tenders. Social value commitments are managed and monitored by the Engagement and Partnerships Team together with support from Contract Managers .We have also achieved the Cheshire East Social Value mark in recognition of our approach to Social Value. For more information on our Social Value Framework and the Menu of Services which is included within all tenders, click here.