Essential Website Maintenance
We’re carrying out essential maintenance on our website during February, which may cause some temporary disruptions. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. You can still contact us through the following channels:
The Regulator of Social Housing has created a new system to see how well social housing landlords in England are doing at providing good quality homes and services. This includes a set of tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs) that social housing landlords, including housing associations like us, must report on.
There are 26 measures:
The perception survey is a set of questions we ask a sample of our customers to understand how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with services we provide. We collect this feedback continually throughout the year aiming to contact approximately 200 customers a month so that we have a representative sample of responses.
Each of the TSM’s fit into one of these five key themes:
You can see all 26 TSM scores in the table below. We have highlighted the 12 customer satisfaction measures with a little icon/graphic to make it easier to identify the specific customer measures.
We will publish this performance every quarter, so you can see how we are progressing throughout the year.
Click on the image above to see a larger version
Previous performance from 2024/24:
Previous performance from 2023/24:
The results below show our full end of year performance for April 2023 to March 2024.
Click on the image above to see a larger version
Our Approach
We engaged with 2,404 customers between April 2023 until March 2024, either by email or telephone via our independent market research company M.E.L Research. 49% by telephone and 51% by email.
M.E.L carry out the survey on our behalf so that customers feel comfortable providing honest feedback, and feedback can be provided anonymously. Customers can choose to share their details with Plus Dane to enable us to contact them about their feedback if they would like, but if they prefer, they can remain anonymous and their feedback will still be used for service improvement. Customers are not offered any incentive to take part.
M.E.L select participants randomly aiming to contact a representative sample of Plus Dane customers using the following characteristics:
The survey focuses on the tenure type of ‘Low-Cost Rental Accommodation’. Leaseholders and Shared Ownership customers have other mechanisms for feedback on services.
The survey is on-going to enable us to respond and action feedback much quicker and to give us the best opportunity to contact a wide range of customers.
The Regulator of Social Housing has set specific questions that we ask as part of the perception survey, with specific wording. A copy of the questionnaire used for the survey can be found HERE.
What do we do with the feedback?
We encourage all customers who are contacted to please provide honest feedback. Any comments are monitored on an on-going basis and actioned by the relevant teams. Performance is reviewed monthly and quarterly to determine where any service improvements are required. Feedback is extremely important to us, so we appreciate customers taking the time to participate. This feedback is used to drive service improvement, inform decision making and strategic priorities.
Collecting the data:
If you are a Plus Dane customer, you may get a call or email from a company called MEL Research who, if you agree, will ask you these questions on our behalf.
MEL Research will always email you from or call you from 0121 790 0129. They will let you know how much of your time the survey could take before you begin, we estimate this to be around 5 minutes. We want our customers to stay safe online and we have a page on Online Safety here
Your privacy is especially important to us, and your personal data will be protected while conducting all our surveys. You can find MEL Research privacy policy here and ours here. If you would prefer not to take part, please let MEL Research know and they will make sure to remove you from our contact list for future surveys. You will also be given the option to remain anonymous or you can consent to provide your details along with your feedback.
Once we have received your feedback, we will then publish our full TSM results on this web page every quarter.
We value your feedback and use this to improve your home and provide better services. Some of the improvements we have made following your feedback can be found under this section You Said We Did, linked here.
Regulator of Social Housing - more on TSM's:
For more information on TSM's, visit the Regulator of Social Housing website: Tenant Satisfaction Measures - GOV.UK