Essential Website Maintenance
We’re carrying out essential maintenance on our website during February, which may cause some temporary disruptions. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. You can still contact us through the following channels:
We know it can be tough if you're dealing with anti-social behaviour (ASB) in your area. Not sure what is considered ASB or how to report incidents? Find out here with answers to our most frequently asked questions.
Have a look at our ASB toolkit for a full list of what is and isn't considered to be anti-social behaviour, and what next steps to take.
If you would like to report ASB outside normal working hours please fill in our online form here and our community safety team will pick it up the next working day.
If you are affected by noise during the night, you should contact your local Council Environmental Health team.
Mediation is a way to resolve disputes between neighbours. Mediators are trained, independent, impartial and non-judgmental people who can help others resolve their differences.
If you've been asked to consider mediation, you should know that it is often a quick and effective way to resolve the ASB issue you are experiencing and will also allow the person causing the behaviour to understand how it is affecting you.
We will only offer mediation where we think it is appropriate. We will not normally offer mediation where there has been violence involved.
We will only take legal action to evict a customer as a last resort, usually only once we have tried to resolve the ASB issue in every other way possible. Only in very rare cases will we try to evict a customer straight away - examples of this could include conviction of a serious crime including (but not restricted to) supply of class A drugs, cultivation of class B drugs, murder, or serious assault.
Research shows that most cases are resolved by early intervention. This can include warning letters and meetings with the person involved to discuss the issues reported to us. Referrals to support agencies and mediation.
When appropriate we work in partnership with other agencies to resolve ASB issues, such as Environmental Health and the police. They also have powers available to them that they can use such as noise abatement notices, fixed penalty notices and property closure orders.
It is important you keep a record of ASB incidents so we can use it to measure and monitor the ASB, which will help us decide what action to take.
The diary is very important if we decide that it is both proportionate and reasonable to take legal action against the person responsible. We will need this information to satisfy the judge of the extent and seriousness of the problem.
The quality of the records that you make in the diary is vital in whether we succeed or not if the matter is referred to court, so it’s important to write as much as detail as possible about each incident.
We will usually take action straight away when you first report ASB. Our first response will be to speak to the other party and might be to send a warning letter to them reminding them of the terms of their tenancy agreement.
We will treat your report confidentially and will consult with you before sharing any information with others. Occasionally we will share your information with other agencies such as the Police or Social Services or a medical professional without asking for your permission. For example, if there is a safeguarding concern involving you, a child or another vulnerable adult.
However, whilst we will try to protect your identity, you must be realistic. For example if your complaint is about noise nuisance, it may not be too difficult for your neighbour to work out who has complained. You should also be aware that if the case goes to court and you agree to give a witness statement, the alleged perpetrator will receive a copy of it and will therefore know who you are.
We will discuss with you any action that we would like to take before we proceed to make sure that you are in agreement with the action.
If you choose to report anonymously we will not be able to contact you if we need more information or let you know what we have done. This may affect the amount of evidence that we can collect for a case and the action that it is possible for us to take.
Depending on the nature of the ASB report we will:
If the ASB is so serious that you fear for staying in your home you should contact us to discuss this.
We will not move you or the other person involved as a means of resolving the issue (except in exceptional circumstances) but we will deal with the problem. We may put in a range of protective measures to help you stay in your home such as fitting extra security or applying to the court for an injunction against the alleged perpetrator.
You can apply to transfer or exchange your home to another home but if there is an outstanding issue about your tenancy, such as if you are in rent arrears you will have to resolve this before you can move.
It might appear that we are not dealing with an ASB issue once it has been reported to us. Please be assured that this is not the case. The reason why we might not have resolved a certain ASB issue may be because the person reporting the issue to us is not willing or unable to come forward with more information or evidence that will support the allegations made.
Without witness testimonies and evidence that people are happy for us to use in court we are limited to the action we can take. We cannot do it alone and need support from those affected to make our case against the alleged perpetrator.
There will also be reports of ASB that are not considered ASB or do not constitute a nuisance. This is usually allegations of noise when the person accused denies that they make a noise and there is no independent evidence also when there are conflicting versions of the truth with no independent witnesses.
Under the terms of your tenancy agreement you are responsible for the behaviour of people living with you or visiting your property. If your visitors cause a nuisance or annoyance to others living in your area your tenancy.
If you know that someone who lives with you or visits is causing ASB, you must take reasonable steps to resolve this by asking them to stop. If you fail to resolve the issue we may consider taking action against you and your tenancy and you might lose your home.
An eviction for ASB is very serious and can only happen if a court orders it.
If you are evicted for this reason you will be considered ‘intentionally homeless’ - meaning your eviction was avoidable if you had not caused the issue. The Local Authority may not allocate you to another home. You might also find it difficult to be rehoused in the private landlord sector because we would not be able to give you a positive reference.
If you are dealing with anti-social behaviour, domestic abuse, hate crime or harrassment, please don't suffer in silence. Report it to us - we're here to help.
Report ASB onlineHave a look at our ASB toolkit for a full list of what is and isn't considered to be anti-social behaviour, and what next steps to take.
Have a lookWe have lots of support available for you if you're struggling with your mental health. We have a dedicated team to help if you're struggling.
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