Essential Website Maintenance
We’re carrying out essential maintenance on our website during February, which may cause some temporary disruptions. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. You can still contact us through the following channels:
28 St Cyril’s Close, Liverpool, L27 1YX
St Cyril’s Court is situated within St Cyril’s Close which is off Naylorsfield Drive in Belle Vale.
St Cyril’s Court has 41 flats, 4 x 2 bedrooms and 39 1 bedroom based over two floors with a lift.
In the communal lounge there is a pool table and a dart table, and residents have sport nights. There is also bingo and quizzes weekly.
Lovely communal gardens with raised planters that residents grow fruit and vegetables in. Communal outdoor seating areas to the front and back of the building.
St Cyril’s Close is near to Belle Vale shopping centre and a big supermarket. There are local bus routes into Liverpool City Centre.